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05 May 2024

A guideline for drafting the research plan for your thesis

A research plan is the initial step in writing your thesis. The guidelines for creating a research plan may differ depending on the course. Generally, a research plan is utilized as the foundation for a thesis in higher professional education, while a research proposal often precedes a thesis at the university level. Although specific requirements may vary across programs, there are typically some essential elements that can be found in most research plans. These elements will be discussed below.

A guideline for drafting the research plan for your thesis
This article was written by:

Linda Hovestad

Why does your educational institution require a research plan?

In your research plan, you describe what you want to investigate and why. The purpose of the research plan is to clarify, prior to writing your thesis, the type of research you intend to conduct and the approach you will take. It sets the direction for your graduation process and allows your supervisor to make necessary adjustments in a timely manner. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to inform potential clients about your research plans.

How does it differ from a research proposal?

The distinction between a research proposal and a research plan usually lies in their application and context. A research plan is often developed during higher professional education for research conducted within an organization or for a client. On the other hand, a research proposal is typically used for empirical or theoretical research conducted at the university level.

What do you include in the research plan?

Before you write a research plan, it is important to explore your client’s problem. Therefore, gather as much information as possible during initial meetings, conduct preliminary research, and ask your internship supervisor to clarify the specific research objective.

A research plan usually has the following structure:

  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction or Research Incentive
  • Organization Description (if applicable)
  • Problem Definition and Main and Sub-questions
  • Objectives and End Product
  • Theoretical Framework
  • Research Design: Method of Data Collection (Methodology)
  • Planning and Risk Analysis
  • Bibliography

Please refer to the graduation manual for your specific course or consult with your graduation supervisor.

Introduction and research incentive

Start with the context

The research plan begins by providing a brief overview of your research topic. You should also describe the objective of the research and its potential social significance. This could range from the timeliness of the subject to its potential contribution to addressing an unexplored issue. Additionally, in this section, you may provide a concise description of the organization that is involved in the research.

The contractor

It is important to clearly indicate in the research plan who the client is for the research. This is typically the company where you completed your internship. Please mention the name of the company (and, if applicable, your internship supervisor), unless the company specifically requests confidentiality.

Problem definition and main and sub questions

Problem definition and problem statement

In the problem definition of your research design, you should explain the problem that the company is currently experiencing. If you are not conducting research for a company, then describe the problem that you intend to investigate. Conclude the description with a concise and impactful statement that encapsulates the problem.

Main and sub questions

After formulating the problem statement in the research plan, it is time to formulate the main and sub-questions. Begin by formulating the main question, and then proceed to the sub-questions. Occasionally, it is important to provide justification for the sub-questions. Briefly explain why you have chosen to investigate these particular sub-questions.

Objective and end product


Defining your objective(s) ensures that both you and your client have the same expectations for your research. You can include your objective in a separate chapter, along with the description of your end product, or in a paragraph within the problem definition chapter.

End product

It is possible that you may also offer advice or deliver a tangible end product as a result of your thesis research. If this is the case, please explain here what end product you will provide and how the client will benefit from it. When conducting design-oriented research, it is always essential to describe your end product.

Theoretical framework

You frequently provide a preview of the theories that you will utilize. Within the theoretical framework, you succinctly address some pertinent theories associated with your primary question, which will aid in its resolution. However, it is important to limit the number of theories discussed and ensure that they are well aligned with the research area and topic.


In this section of the research plan, you will describe the methods that you will use to address the main question and sub-questions. For instance, in quantitative research, surveys can be employed. It is crucial to specify the research method for each sub-question, as they may necessitate different approaches.

Planning and risk analysis

The planning is typically included at the end of your research plan, potentially along with an analysis of the risks involved. In the planning phase, you should indicate the anticipated duration of the research and the time allocation for each section of the thesis. During the risk analysis, you should estimate potential limitations and challenges that may emerge during the research process. For instance, a lack of time could hinder a thorough investigation of all research aspects. It is important to consider strategies to mitigate these risks as well.


Some research plans include a detailed step-by-step outline in which you describe the specific actions you will take throughout your research in order to ultimately obtain the desired research outcomes. You can create a diagram representing the research and writing process to provide a clear overview.

Source list

At the conclusion of your research plan or research design, include a list of the sources utilized. Ensure that the sources are arranged in alphabetical order within the bibliography. Do you find APA style to be challenging? If so, you can seek assistance from an APA specialist at Jouw Scriptiecoach to review your source list and references in the text with an APA check.

Find it difficult to draw up a research plan?

With the aforementioned tips and guidelines, you are well on your way to creating a strong research plan. Remember to also consult with your graduate supervisor and study program. There may be instances where you are given the go-ahead to begin your research immediately, while other times you may receive provisional approval. In such cases, it is important to address any points of concern before starting your thesis. If you do not receive full approval, have a discussion with your department, seek feedback, and consider seeking external assistance. 

Our thesis coaches at Jouw Scriptiecoach are available to assist you throughout all stages of the thesis process, including the development of your research plan. Whether you are just starting your research or have already received multiple rounds of feedback, we are here to support you. Get in touch with us directly for a consultation and find out how we can further assist you!

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Do you need immediate help with your thesis? Then request a free consultation now. During the consultation, we look at how best we can help you and which supervisor would be most suitable for your subject. You’ll also receive an immediate estimate of the number of hours we’ll need to get you across the finish line. Then you can easily purchase the hours online, and once the payment has gone through, we immediately connect you to your thesis supervisor. They’ll contact you quickly (often on the same day) so that you can get back to working on your thesis as soon as possible.
