Thesis help for HBO students

When writing an HBO thesis (bachelor’s or master’s), you embark on an intensive process. You frequently need to juggle your graduation internship alongside thesis writing or conducting design-oriented research, which can be time-consuming. As an HBO student, you also have to navigate multiple interests, all of which you must manage adeptly. However, your primary focus is undoubtedly obtaining your HBO diploma, which necessitates successful completion of your HBO thesis. Your client anticipates practical and valuable recommendations, while your program requires your thesis to fulfill the set requirements. Furthermore, as an HBO student, you often encounter limited personal guidance from the course as time progresses.

It can be beneficial to spar with an experienced thesis coach who can bridge the gap between practice and theory, allowing you to produce a thesis that satisfies all parties.

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What can we help you with?

Thesis help when you start your HBO thesis

If you are beginning to write your HBO thesis, you must first obtain approval from your educational institution. That is why you need to formulate a research proposal, research plan, or action plan. In this plan, you describe the subject of your research and it is crucial to have already determined, through preliminary research, the need for your study. Problem orientation is a vital aspect of identifying a well-defined topic for your research. Our thesis coaches can assist you in problem orientation and defining your research, ensuring that you do not get overwhelmed by excessive information later on.

Thesis help if you need to resit your HBO thesis

Sometimes, you may not successfully complete your graduation on the first attempt and may need to resit your HBO thesis. The issue often stems from having a research that is too broad, lacking proper structure and coherence, or offering conclusions and recommendations that are too general, thus not meeting the practical needs of your client. In some cases, the reason and problem analysis may not have been conducted effectively, causing your research question to be neglected. We can assist you in restructuring your thesis and eliminating irrelevant content. Additionally, we ensure that your thesis adheres to the requirements of your education and is specifically applicable to your client.

Thesis help with writing the HBO thesis

We offer thesis help to help you with writing your HBO thesis. We can assist you throughout the entire process or provide support for specific sections where you require extra help. Here’s how we can assist you:

  • The problem orientation
  • Formulating your research question
  • Conducting your source and literature research
  • Setting up your research and justifying your method
  • Processing and analyzing your results (both qualitative and quantitative using SPSS)
  • Structuring the study, maintaining a common thread, and ensuring readability.

Thesis help with statistics and qualitative research

We can assist you with a wide range of research issues. This allows you to discuss with us which research type best suits your selected research question. We can also assist you with choosing the appropriate research method. Your education often dictates a specific type of research, but it is crucial that it effectively addresses your research question as well. Additionally, we can help you in planning and designing your research, conducting surveys, and determining the variables to be included. Moreover, we can aid you in transcribing and coding your qualitative results and seamlessly incorporating them into your findings. Lastly, if you are working with statistics and conducting analyses using SPSS, Stata, R or Python, you have come to the right place.

Thesis help if you want to have your HBO thesis checked

During your graduation period, you frequently receive feedback on your education. We understand that at times, you may struggle with incorporating this feedback. Our thesis coaches can review your HBO thesis and assist you in implementing the feedback. This way, your document will continue to meet the requirements of your course. We carefully read your document, take into account the received feedback, evaluate the structure and coherence, and provide comments in the margins along with practical advice and instructions. This will allow us to effectively implement the feedback ourselves.

Thesis help for students with a disability, diagnosis or learning problem

Jouw Scriptiecoach collaborates with a team of specialists who specialize in guiding HBO students with disabilities or diagnoses, such as ADD, ADHD, TOS, autism, dyscalculia, or dyslexia. They also possess expertise in handling procrastination, anxiety, and fear of failure. These coaches can help you gain a clearer understanding and concentration, as well as set more achievable goals, ultimately guiding you to graduate on time.

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Why a thesis coach from Jouw Scriptiecoach?

Jouw Scriptiecoach offers efficient and substantive thesis help for writing your research proposal or thesis. Our approach is primarily practical, as we always consider the reasons and problems faced by our clients. This ensures that your thesis topic is well-defined and that your results, conclusions, and recommendations add real value for your client. Additionally, we take into account the requirements set by your study program for your thesis. Think of us as mediators between theory (your education) and practice (your client). With practical tips and advice, we ensure that you make continuous progress and graduate as quickly as possible.

Our thesis coaches have experience in various courses. The thesis coaches at Jouw Scriptiecoach will assist you with your research proposal, research plan, action plan, and thesis. We support students who are enrolled in full-time, part-time, or dual HBO courses, or those juggling work and studies. You have the flexibility to choose whether you want to receive guidance online or in person. We provide guidance to students all over the Netherlands and Belgium, ensuring there is always a location near you. You can negotiate with Jouw Scriptiecoach regarding the timing and frequency of thesis help.

Finally, we can also assist you in preparing your defense to ensure that you are well-prepared.

Do you need help writing your HBO thesis?

Please reach out to our thesis coaches for a free consultation with no obligation. We are happy to help you!
