Defending your thesis? Gain instant help with your presentation and preparation

Completing your thesis is a significant accomplishment, and now you are ready to defend and/or present it. This moment holds great importance and can often be exhilarating, as your defense plays a crucial role in your final assessment. Therefore, thorough preparation for your defense is essential for achieving success.

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Why is proper preparation for your defense so important?

We frequently receive the question: "Will you pass if you are allowed to defend?" In principle, you can only defend your thesis if it has (almost) been approved. The defense can be decisive when the assessors still have doubts, and it can determine whether you pass or fail. So, it does not automatically imply that you have already passed. If you freeze up during your oral presentation or if you cannot answer all the questions, there is still a risk of failing. At times, a defense acts as a feedback session, indicating that there are already concerns about your thesis and you are not allowed to defend it. In such cases, you receive the feedback and incorporate it into your resit. Therefore, thorough preparation for your defense and a compelling presentation that supports your argument are crucial.

What can you expect during your defense?

You usually begin with a brief introduction to your thesis, also referred to as the thesis presentation or final presentation. During this presentation, typically lasting 15-20 minutes, you guide the examiners through your narrative. Afterwards, there is a question and answer session, which usually takes an additional 10-15 minutes. These questions often revolve around the content of your thesis and the methodology employed. The examiners aim to assess your knowledge and ability to apply it. They inquire about the reasons behind your choices and the process leading to them. Reflecting on your own methodology also holds great significance in this evaluation.

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How can we help you with your presentation?

At Jouw Scriptiecoach, we provide support in creating a well-structured presentation, as it serves as the foundation for your thesis defense. Together, we will analyze the essence of your story and transform it into a presentation that you can utilize during your defense. While you will be responsible for creating the presentation itself, we will offer feedback on the form, layout, content, and format.

Before the session, we will thoroughly read your thesis, after which we will practice the thesis defense and presentation with you. Once your presentation is ready, we will conduct practice sessions both online and in person. During these sessions, we will ensure that the content of your presentation is easily understandable to listeners with minimal prior knowledge. As you narrate your story, there are often questions that arise which you can jot down to adequately prepare yourself. We will provide concrete feedback during these exercises, helping you become well-acquainted with the potential questions you may encounter, while also enhancing your presentation skills and reducing anxiety.

Furthermore, we can offer suggestions and advice on the structure and content of your presentation. After all, a strong thesis presentation is essential in impressing your examiners and setting the right tone. The practice sessions for your thesis defense can be conducted in one or multiple sessions.

Need help with your defense?

Are you searching for professional assistance to prepare for your oral exam? At Jouw Scriptiecoach, we are here to support you! Whether you require help in organizing your presentation, addressing challenging questions, or enhancing your self-assurance, our skilled thesis coaches are ready to assist you in achieving success. Get in touch with us today for a complimentary consultation and discover how we can aid you in facing your oral exam with confidence.
