06 May 2024
Using semi-structured interviews as a data collection method
A semi-structured interview is a versatile interview method that provides a balance between structured and unstructured interviews. While it allows for more flexibility than a fully structured interview, it still has specific guidelines and limitations to maintain the consistency and relevance of the collected data. In this article, you will find everything you need to know about this interview format, including when and how it can be best utilized for your research in your thesis.

What is a semi-structured interview?
A semi-structured interview is a method of interviewing that utilizes a pre-prepared questionnaire containing open-ended questions. During the interview, the questions are asked verbally, allowing for additional exploration and queries. While all the questions in the questionnaire are addressed, there is flexibility to modify the sequence and delve further into specific topics based on the flow of the conversation and its relevance to the research.
When do you opt for a semi-structured interview?
The semi-structured interview is utilized in qualitative research, which emphasizes the interpretation of stories and meanings. In contrast to quantitative research, which relies on data and numbers, qualitative research aims to comprehend complexity and context. The semi-structured interview is particularly suitable for qualitative research since it enables detailed discussions, allowing for interpretation and exploration of various viewpoints. During the analysis phase, the insights gained are interpreted and utilized to draw research conclusions.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a semi-structured interview?
Some advantages of the semi-structured interview are:
Some disadvantages are:
What should you pay attention to when drawing up a semi-structured questionnaire?
Creating a good questionnaire begins with proper preparation and planning. Begin your questionnaire with introductory questions to familiarize yourself with the interviewee and establish a comfortable atmosphere. Follow up with more in-depth questions to gather detailed responses, leaving ample space to delve further into interesting points. Develop a sense of knowing when to skip specific questions. Lastly, always end the interview with a closing question to conclude on a suitable note.
You ensure reliability by asking the correct questions carefully. Stay objective and avoid asking leading questions that could influence the interviewee. Additionally, try to prevent socially desirable answers, as they may distort the results. Make sure to put the interviewee at ease and take detailed notes during the interview. It is also advisable to make an audio recording of the interview to ensure accurate transcription. Always obtain permission from the interviewee before recording the audio.
Processing the results
To effectively incorporate the interview results into your thesis, you need to follow several steps. One of these steps is transcribing, which involves writing out the interviews in full detail.
This can be done in two ways:
- Transcribing verbatim means accurately writing down what is said, including hesitations, repetitions, and filler words like “uh.” The aim is to record the exact words and speaking style of the respondent, capturing any pauses.
- On the other hand, summary transcribing involves summarizing the content of the conversation without copying the respondent’s words word-for-word. Instead, you provide a concise summary of the main points and ideas discussed during the conversation.
After collecting the answers, it is important to analyze them. This means that you should connect the information gathered from the interviews with the theoretical frameworks of your research. Based on this analysis, you will be able to draw relevant conclusions regarding your research question.
Are you ready to get started or would you rather get help?
In essence, a semi-structured interview, also known as an in-depth interview or qualitative interview, offers researchers a flexible approach. Although there is a pre-prepared questionnaire, as a researcher, you have the freedom to deviate from it or ask additional questions. This offers the opportunity to delve deeper into topics and collect additional information.
However, if you have limited time and prefer a more structured approach, the structured interview may be more suitable. If setting up your research is a challenge, our professionals are ready to support you. Feel free to request a free consultation and discover how we can help you.
Contact Jouw Scriptiecoach if you need immediate help with your thesis.
Do you need immediate help with your thesis? Then request a free consultation now. During the consultation, we look at how best we can help you and which supervisor would be most suitable for your subject. You’ll also receive an immediate estimate of the number of hours we’ll need to get you across the finish line. Then you can easily purchase the hours online, and once the payment has gone through, we immediately connect you to your thesis supervisor. They’ll contact you quickly (often on the same day) so that you can get back to working on your thesis as soon as possible.