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05 May 2024

Managing thesis stress effectively to prevent getting stuck

Some degree of thesis stress is normal for most students. After all, writing a thesis is a major accomplishment that involves a lot. But what if you find yourself really stuck and even consider quitting your thesis altogether? In this article, we will explore how you can recognize thesis stress and what you can do about it, so that you can continue with confidence.

Managing thesis stress effectively to prevent getting stuck
This article was written by:

Linda Hovestad

What is thesis stress?

Thesis stress refers to the tension, anxiety, and pressure that students experience while writing their thesis. It can be likened to the slow discharge of a mobile phone battery. Just like a dead battery renders a phone non-functional, excessive stress can cause students to become stuck and halt their progress.

Thesis stress often arises from a combination of factors, including the project’s scope, teacher expectations, deadlines, and subject complexity. This stress can result in feelings of overwhelm, lack of motivation, procrastination, perfectionism, and even health issues. It is crucial to acknowledge and tackle thesis stress in order to maintain productivity and make progress on your thesis.

How do you recognize thesis stress?

Recognizing thesis stress and its related problems is important in order to address these challenges. Here are some common symptoms that you may experience when dealing with thesis stress:

  • Writer’s block or blackout: You have difficulty formulating simple sentences or writing chunks of text. It seems like you’re stuck and unable to make any progress.
  • Doubts about the topic or plan of action: You have strong doubts about the chosen topic of your thesis or your plan of action. Maybe you’re stuck on a specific part of your thesis, hindering your progress.
  • Worry and difficulty relaxing: You worry a lot about your thesis and struggle to relax. The stress and worries about your thesis persist, even during your free time.
  • Behind schedule: You realize that you are behind schedule and are unsure about the steps you need to take to get back on track with writing your thesis.
  • Perfectionism and doubts about the content: You strive for perfection and frequently question whether the content of your thesis is accurate and sufficient.
  • Feelings of guilt: You feel guilty and wonder if you are doing enough, or even consider outsourcing your thesis writing to someone else.
  • Emotional burden: You experience feelings of failure, fear, uncertainty, and/or panic in relation to your thesis.
  • Decreased motivation: You observe that your motivation to work on your thesis is diminishing, and your motivation levels have reached an all-time low.

It is important to realize that you are not alone in this situation. Recognizing problems is the first step towards finding a solution. Seeking a sounding board, finding support, and developing effective coping strategies can help you break the vicious cycle of stress and make progress on your thesis once again.

What is the cause of your thesis stress?

Some possible causes of thesis stress are:

  • High pressure and expectations: the pressure to deliver a high-quality thesis within a limited time can be overwhelming. Expectations from oneself, one’s supervisor, one’s training, and perhaps even one’s client can contribute to stress and anxiety.
  • Lack of clear guidelines: often the guidelines for writing a thesis are vague or unclear, which can lead to confusion and frustration about the approach to take.
  • Perfectionism: some students tend to be perfectionists, which can lead to paralysis and a fear of failure. This can cause them to get stuck in an endless cycle of revision and never be satisfied with their work.
  • Lack of motivation: a lack of interest in the subject of the thesis or motivation problems can lead to procrastination and a reduced commitment to completing the thesis.
  • Lack of skills or knowledge: a lack of necessary research, writing, or organizational skills can make it difficult to make progress on the thesis.
  • Personal circumstances: external factors such as health problems, family issues, or financial concerns can distract individuals and hinder their ability to work on their thesis.
  • Negative thought patterns: negative thoughts such as self-doubt, fear of criticism or negative feedback, and fear of the unknown can undermine individuals’ self-confidence and lead to a thesis blackout.

By identifying the specific causes of your thesis-related stress or writer’s block, you can develop targeted strategies to address them and regain momentum on your thesis. This may involve seeking support, adjusting your schedule, or developing coping mechanisms for managing stress and negative thoughts.

How can you prevent thesis stress and avoid getting stuck while writing your thesis?

To effectively tackle thesis stress, consider the following steps:

  • Acknowledge the problem: Do not neglect the stress and acknowledge that you are stuck. The sooner you realize this, the faster you can work on finding a solution.
  • Take care of yourself: Stress can have a negative impact on both your physical and mental health. Ensure you get enough rest, sleep, exercise, and maintain a healthy diet to support your overall well-being.
  • Make a realistic schedule: Review your schedule critically and make adjustments if necessary. Developing a realistic plan can help make tasks more manageable and reduce stress levels. Consider seeking help with this, such as from a thesis coach.
  • Make writing your thesis enjoyable: Create a pleasant working environment, reward yourself after achieving milestones, and break your thesis into smaller, manageable sections to maintain a clear overview.
  • Seek support: You do not have to face this alone. Reach out for help and support from others. Stay in regular contact with your supervisor and establish a clear plan. If collaborating with your supervisor is not productive, consider seeking assistance from another supervisor or hiring external thesis supervision. An alternate perspective can offer fresh insights and help you regain momentum.

By following these steps and seeking help when necessary, you can effectively manage thesis stress and restore confidence in your thesis process.

When should you ask for help?

If complaints about stress lead to reduced motivation, health problems, or becoming stuck in the thesis process, it is important to seek help. Talk to friends, family, or consider professional thesis help to receive substantial support and coaching.

What if you have a burnout?

In the case of serious stress complaints, such as burnout, it is crucial to seek professional help and prioritize your well-being by avoiding unnecessary obligations. Please reach out to your doctor to discuss your need for assistance. Taking proper rest is typically the first step toward recovery. Once you have fully recovered, you can gradually resume working on your thesis.

Thesis stress? Get help from our coaches

If you are struggling with your thesis, there is no need to worry anymore. Jouw Scriptiecoach is here to offer you prompt assistance and help you overcome the stress associated with your thesis. Our team of experienced thesis coaches have been guiding students throughout the thesis process for many years. We have experts available for every field of study, enabling us to provide you with specialized support tailored to your specific subject and field.

Make an appointment today for a free consultation.

Contact Jouw Scriptiecoach if you need immediate help with your thesis.

Do you need immediate help with your thesis? Then request a free consultation now. During the consultation, we look at how best we can help you and which supervisor would be most suitable for your subject. You’ll also receive an immediate estimate of the number of hours we’ll need to get you across the finish line. Then you can easily purchase the hours online, and once the payment has gone through, we immediately connect you to your thesis supervisor. They’ll contact you quickly (often on the same day) so that you can get back to working on your thesis as soon as possible.
