05 May 2024
Do you want to formulate sub-questions for your thesis? Read our useful tips
Before starting your research for your thesis, it is important to formulate a research question. You should then ask sub-questions that will help you answer this main question. Sub-questions make your research more manageable and provide focus. Therefore, it is important to formulate the right sub-questions as they provide direction to your research. However, what qualifies a sub-question as being good? How many sub-questions, approximately, do you need? And how do they contribute to your thesis research? Below, we will explain how you can formulate sub-questions so that you can quickly get started with your research.

What are sub-questions?
Sub-questions are questions that you answer in your thesis. By answering these questions, you also address the main question. Sub-questions provide an overview; in fact, they help divide the larger research question (main question) into smaller, manageable parts that you will investigate and answer. While not all courses mandate the preparation of sub-questions, we highly recommend doing so as it helps maintain clarity in your research. It is important to verify that your sub-questions will effectively answer your central research question.
Important requirements when drawing up sub-questions
When formulating sub-questions, it is crucial to consider the following aspects:
- Sub-questions must be comprehensive, meaning they should provide complete answers to the main question.
- Sub-questions should not overlap; they should be mutually exclusive. Investigating the same or similar aspects twice is not productive. Sub-questions should also not overlap with the main question.
- Sub-questions should be open-ended, like the main question. Avoid sub-questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no, unless they serve as a means to test a hypothesis. If a sub-question can be directly answered affirmatively or negatively, there may not be a need for further research.
- Sub-questions should be clear, specific, and easily understandable. This requires operationalizing abstract concepts in the questions and avoiding ambiguity.
- Ensure that sub-questions are arranged logically. Though this often occurs naturally, it is beneficial to double-check the order.
How many sub-questions should I write?
There is no set number of sub-questions required for preparation. The complexity of your topic and main question determines the number of sub-questions needed. In general, we suggest formulating at least 3 and at most 5 sub-questions. If you believe you require additional or fewer sub-questions, please discuss this with your thesis supervisor.
How do I formulate good sub-questions?
It can be challenging to determine what constitutes as good sub-questions, although this is a common query from students seeking our assistance. Coherence is of utmost importance, thus it is essential to evaluate each sub-question to determine if it contributes towards answering the main question.
Here are some steps you can follow to formulate good sub-questions:
- Understand your main question: Ensure that you have a clear comprehension of your main question before developing sub-questions. What is your specific research objective or goal for your thesis?
- Identify the most important aspects: Determine the specific topics, factors, or variables that are pertinent to your research.
- Divide your main question: Break down your main question into smaller, manageable parts that each address a distinct aspect of your research.
- Take relevance into account: Ensure that each sub-question is relevant to addressing your main question. If a sub-question is not relevant, eliminate it.
- Use clear formulation: Formulate your sub-questions clearly and specifically, so that the reader can immediately understand what is being asked.
- Be exhaustive: Ensure that your sub-questions cover all relevant aspects of your main question. They need to be comprehensive in order to provide a complete answer to your main question.
- Avoid overlap between sub-questions: Each sub-question should tackle a unique aspect of your research and should not repeat what is already discussed in other sub-questions.
By following these steps, you can formulate effective sub-questions that will form the basis for structured and targeted research in your thesis.
How can I answer the sub-questions?
Here are some steps you can follow to effectively answer sub-questions:
- Choose a research methodology: Determine which research methods are most suitable to answer each sub-question. Choose from quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods, depending on your research question.
- Collect relevant data: Gather all necessary data, such as literature, survey results, interviews, or observations, to address each sub-question.
- Analyze the data: Utilize appropriate analysis techniques to interpret the collected data and derive conclusions relevant to each sub-question.
- Interpret the results: Analyze the findings of your research to address each sub-question. Identify patterns, trends, correlations, or anomalies that are relevant.
- Formulate conclusions: Draw conclusions based on the findings and ensure that they directly relate to the specific sub-question you are attempting to address.
- Establish a link to the main question: Consolidate all the answers to the sub-questions and connect them to the main question of your research. Demonstrate how each answer contributes to comprehending and addressing the overarching question.
Need help with your research?
Are you struggling with writing your thesis and in urgent need of expert guidance? We’re here to assist you! Our team of experienced thesis tutors offers personalized support for all aspects of your research. Get in touch with us today for a no-obligation consultation and find out how we can help you successfully complete your thesis.
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Do you need immediate help with your thesis? Then request a free consultation now. During the consultation, we look at how best we can help you and which supervisor would be most suitable for your subject. You’ll also receive an immediate estimate of the number of hours we’ll need to get you across the finish line. Then you can easily purchase the hours online, and once the payment has gone through, we immediately connect you to your thesis supervisor. They’ll contact you quickly (often on the same day) so that you can get back to working on your thesis as soon as possible.