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05 May 2024

How do you write a successful Law thesis?

Writing a Law thesis is not just a challenge, but also a valuable experience that will enhance your knowledge and skills in argumentation, research, and academic writing. To craft a successful thesis, it is crucial to employ strong argumentation and maintain a clear structure, while also possessing in-depth knowledge of the field. In this article, we will therefore provide helpful tips and guidelines for producing a high-quality Law thesis.

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This article was written by:

Linda Hovestad

Tips for writing a Law thesis

Here are some tips for writing a good Law thesis:

Choose a relevant topic

  • Select an interesting legal issue or a current topic that personally appeals to you. This will enhance your motivation and enable you to delve deeper into the subject. Utilize the following tips to identify an appropriate topic:
  • Which area of law interests you the most and what aspects of the study appeal to you the most? Additionally, consider specific themes within this area of law that catch your interest.
  • Look for recent developments within your chosen legal field, such as new bills, treaties, discussion points in the literature, and rulings by judges. Focus primarily on topics that have not yet been fully explored and are still under discussion.
  • To keep up with the latest developments in your area of interest, you can refer to specialized magazines that focus on that specific legal field. These publications often provide in-depth analyses, commentaries, and case reviews that are valuable for professionals and students within that domain.

Formulate a central research question and sub-questions

Describe the background and relevance of the chosen problem or topic and formulate a clear central research question. Then, develop sub-questions that logically follow from your central question and provide structured guidance for your research.

Conduct thorough research, collect relevant literature, and analyze it systematically. Additionally, consider conducting additional research methods, such as interviews or surveys, to gain a deeper understanding.

Come up with a strong argument

Ensure that you support your argument with relevant sources and maintain a clear structure of argumentation. Additionally, make sure to refer appropriately to legislation, literature, and case law to substantiate your views.

Use correct source references

Use the Guidelines for Legal Authors to cite sources accurately. Make sure to maintain consistency in your writing style and citations.

Write clearly and consistently

Avoid using colloquial language and ensure a consistent thread in your argument. Formulate your texts clearly and minimize the use of legal jargon where possible.

Conclude convincingly

Conclude your thesis with a strong conclusion that answers the research question and clearly formulates and substantiates your own position.

By following these steps and paying attention to the structure, argumentation, and correctness, you can write a high-quality Law thesis.

Professional thesis help

At Jouw Scriptiecoach, we offer comprehensive thesis help from start to finish. Whether you need assistance with structuring your thesis, locating relevant sources, formulating research questions, or improving your language use, our supervisors are prepared to assist you. Through our personalized guidance, we ensure that you achieve the best results. We also place special emphasis on the language utilized in your thesis, which is particularly critical for a law thesis. Our supervisors correct all language errors and ensure that your sentences flow clearly and smoothly. Additionally, you will receive feedback on your legal reasoning. Our supervisors assess whether your arguments are persuasive, whether you cite the correct sources, and whether you present the strongest arguments. With the support of our experienced legal thesis coaches, you will strive towards a high-level law thesis.

Contact Jouw Scriptiecoach if you need immediate help with your thesis.

Do you need immediate help with your thesis? Then request a free consultation now. During the consultation, we look at how best we can help you and which supervisor would be most suitable for your subject. You’ll also receive an immediate estimate of the number of hours we’ll need to get you across the finish line. Then you can easily purchase the hours online, and once the payment has gone through, we immediately connect you to your thesis supervisor. They’ll contact you quickly (often on the same day) so that you can get back to working on your thesis as soon as possible.
