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22 April 2024

How do you write a good essay for your course?

An essay is a piece of writing that provides information about a specific topic and also presents the author’s perspective. The main objective of an essay is to persuade the reader to agree with the author’s viewpoint. The structure of an essay is usually flexible, unless the teacher has given specific guidelines. Typically, an essay consists of an introduction, a body paragraph section, and a conclusion. In this article, our focus will be on the structure of the argumentative essay, which is the most commonly used type of essay in an academic context.

How do you write a good essay for your course
This article was written by:

Linda Hovestad

Introduction of your essay

The introduction to your essay ensures that the reader is intrigued by the content of your argument. To captivate your reader, you can share a personal anecdote, highlight a recent news item, or pose thought-provoking questions. It is also important to provide the background and rationale for the topic of your essay. By the end of the introduction, the direction and purpose of your essay should be evident.

Main body

In the body (or central part) of your essay, you should present your viewpoint on the topic and argue for your position. It is important to clearly demonstrate why the current situation is ineffective, what alternative options are available, and why these alternatives would be more effective. To strengthen your argument, it is essential to use reliable sources. Avoid solely relying on the facts from these sources; instead, explain to the reader how and why these sources support your position.


The conclusion should logically follow from the previous section of your essay. Take a moment to reconsider the introduction: what idea did you aim to convey to the reader? Illustrate how the argumentative portion leads to the ultimate conclusion. Conclude with impact, possibly by using a memorable one-liner, in order to leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Tip! Keep the conclusion in mind

Before you begin writing, it is important to know the conclusion you want to reach. While some may reach this conclusion while they are writing, many will lose their focus if they start without a clear goal. Think about what you want to convey in each paragraph and briefly write it down in a diagram or create a mind map. This will help you maintain a clear structure and focus while you are writing.

Writing style

When writing an essay, it is crucial to craft concise sentences. Strive to convey your stance in the most straightforward manner to avoid excessively long sentences. Be imaginative, but exercise caution with humor. Ensure the correct use of connecting words and verb tenses. Moreover, it is imperative to adopt an active writing style, as opposed to a passive one, when composing your essay. An active writing style enhances the clarity of your presentation. Steer clear of vague language and passive voice construction.

Provide references and source citations

When citing sources, it is important to use the correct referencing style. Make sure you cite and paraphrase your sources in the text accurately. Usually, you include a brief reference list immediately after your article. This implies that in your essay, you don’t have to extensively refer to your sources, like in a thesis. However, there are instances when you need to provide full citations for all the sources you used. Therefore, always verify the expectations of your educational institution or supervisor.

Tips for writing a persuasive essay

  • Be concise in your argument: avoid dwelling on unimportant details.
  • Ensure that the first (or sometimes second) sentence of each paragraph summarizes and clarifies the point of that paragraph.
  • Consider refuting counterarguments, in addition to providing arguments for your position.
  • However, make sure your rebuttal is more convincing than the counterargument itself.
  • Using words like ‘first’, ‘second’, and ‘third’ repeatedly can become monotonous.
  • Try to vary your word choice and be original. Avoid the excessive use of words such as ‘also’, ‘further’, and ‘in addition’ as they can reduce the readability of your text.
  • Prefer active sentences over passive ones. For example, say “the man walked the dog” instead of “the dog was walked by the man.”
  • To make your text more dynamic, alternate between long and short sentences.

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