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06 May 2024

Graduating and writing a thesis with autism

We frequently receive requests from parents and students who face challenges in graduating and writing their thesis due to autism. Hence, it is now time to compile an article with a few tips on how to successfully graduate with autism.

Graduating and writing a thesis with autism
This article was written by:

Linda Hovestad

What is autism?

When it comes to autism, people often discuss Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Individuals with autism have different information processing in the brain, which can make it challenging for them to accurately understand social situations. Additionally, they may struggle with adapting to changes and correctly interpreting feedback. People with autism often perceive things in a literal manner and take feedback literally as well. To assist individuals with autism, it is beneficial to provide them with clear explanations and instructions explaining why things are different or need to be adjusted.

Characteristics of autism

Your brain works differently

If you have autism, your brain functions differently, which means that information is processed in a unique way. One common observation is that individuals with autism often have less understanding and perception of others. Additionally, they may struggle with distinguishing between primary and secondary matters. Consistency and predictability are crucial, particularly for people with autism. Utilizing established patterns, recognizing stressful situations caused by unexpected deviations, and learning coping mechanisms can be helpful in navigating these challenges.

Social situations are often difficult

Social situations can be challenging for individuals with autism as they often struggle to fully grasp the intended meaning behind others’ words. Often, they interpret words literally and have difficulty picking up on tone and facial expressions, which can lead to misunderstandings. This divergence in perception of truth can result in irritation between individuals with autism and those delivering the message. Additionally, establishing and maintaining contact with others, as well as engaging in spontaneous conversations, can be difficult for individuals with autism. Furthermore, knowing what is expected of them in certain situations can pose a challenge, potentially causing them to respond inappropriately or clumsily.

Structure, regularity and routine are important

We often observe that individuals with autism tend to establish fixed sequences of actions and patterns for themselves. This provides them with regularity, structure, and routine and also aids in their ability to cope with both external and internal stimuli, which individuals with autism are often more sensitive to. Having a routine is beneficial, but if that routine is interrupted by an unforeseen event, it can lead to stress.

Autism does not always exist in isolation

Autism is often not an isolated condition, but rather a combination of various functional limitations such as ADHD, anxiety disorders, depression, or eating disorders.

Autism also brings qualities

Finally, to conclude on a positive note, having autism also brings with it special qualities. For instance, individuals with autism possess an exceptional eye for detail, have the ability to think analytically, display honesty and loyalty, and often exhibit technical insight.

Why is writing a thesis with autism challenging?

When you graduate and write a thesis, your education expects you to be able to work independently. You can organize your own day, make your own arrangements with your internship company, and occasionally consult with your graduation supervisor about the progress you have made. You often receive feedback about your graduation process and thesis, either verbally or through comments in the document itself. However, you sometimes need more details to grasp the big picture and understand what exactly your graduation supervisor expects from you. You strive to do things well, so when you adjust your document and submit it, receiving feedback that is difficult to identify can suddenly become a challenge.

Furthermore, we often notice that students with autism receive feedback about the lack of a common thread in their story and insufficient substantiation of their choices. Often, you possess a wealth of knowledge, but struggle to put it on paper as you find it challenging to determine the main and side issues, leading you to provide excessive amounts of detail.

What can you do yourself?

If you have autism and are about to graduate, you can begin with the following tips:

Minimize stimuli

Ensure that you have few distractions in your surroundings when you begin studying. Power off your phone and locate a dedicated workspace where you can settle in while working on your thesis.

Make arrangements with your thesis supervisor

Be honest with your thesis supervisor about the challenges you face in writing your thesis. If you tend to get caught up in details, it is important to communicate this early on so that your supervisor can consider it. For instance, it would be helpful if your supervisor not only provides feedback via email, but also allows for personal discussions to clarify any issues. It is advisable to discuss these arrangements with your thesis supervisor from the start, so be sure to promptly schedule a meeting and establish clear agreements.

Check the options for support

Check what options are available at your university or college for individuals with autism. Most courses offer facilities to accommodate students with disabilities, and you may also have the option to take longer to complete your degree if needed.

Work with a plan

Request assistance in organizing a precise schedule with set deadlines and designated time slots for working on different sections of your thesis. Please ensure that the tasks to be completed are clearly outlined. Additionally, remember to incorporate all your other commitments, including hobbies and other activities, to have a comprehensive overview. It is crucial to maintain consistency in your schedule, aiming to allocate the same time slots each week for specific tasks. Using a planning board can prove highly beneficial, especially if displayed in a visible location.

Also check whether there are any external regulations

Also, check which external programs you can utilize. For instance, DUO provides the opportunity to receive student financing for an extended period if you have a disability. You can also inquire about applying for a personal budget from your local municipality to receive additional assistance with planning, studying, or organizing your life. This budget can be used for activities such as coaching, but it’s important to discuss this with your municipality beforehand as the availability may vary.

If you want to learn more about autism, visit the website It provides a clear explanation of what autism is, common combinations of symptoms, and suggestions on how to manage it.

How can we help you?

Jouw Scriptiecoach employs several thesis coaches who have a background in coaching and experience working with individuals with functional limitations such as ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, and autism. We understand what you’re going through, and together we will explore why you find writing your thesis challenging. Establishing regularity and structure can often be helpful, as it provides a safe environment for you to successfully complete your degree. We will assist you in creating this framework.

Additionally, we offer support in planning and provide concrete tips and advice for your thesis. We will help you understand and interpret the feedback you have received from your training. With our guidance, we will make the process clear for you, enabling you to graduate on time.

Contact Jouw Scriptiecoach if you need immediate help with your thesis.

Do you need immediate help with your thesis? Then request a free consultation now. During the consultation, we look at how best we can help you and which supervisor would be most suitable for your subject. You’ll also receive an immediate estimate of the number of hours we’ll need to get you across the finish line. Then you can easily purchase the hours online, and once the payment has gone through, we immediately connect you to your thesis supervisor. They’ll contact you quickly (often on the same day) so that you can get back to working on your thesis as soon as possible.
